出版時間:2010-8 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:賀雪娟 等 著 頁數:214
隨著經濟全球化的進一步發展,我國與世界各國的經濟合作日益深入,國際商貿交往日益頻繁。在對國際化商貿人才需求日益增加的同時,社會對高素質商貿人才的英語應用能力的要求愈來愈高,進而對商務英語教學的載體——商務英語教材的編寫也提出了更高的要求?!渡虅沼⒄Z綜合教程》系列教材旨在提高學習者的商務英語語言交際技巧,培養其熟練掌握英語、通曉商務知識、熟悉國際商務環境、善于跨文化交際的能力,以滿足現代社會對商貿人才的需求?! 堵毻ㄉ虅沼⒄Z綜合教程》將商務專業知識和跨文化商務交際能力與英語語言運用技能結合在一起,以學生為中心、以商務為環境、以商貿崗位任務為路徑、以商務交際為目的,由淺入深,循序漸進,通過對學生聽、說、讀、寫、譯等基本技能的全面訓練,培養學生通曉商務技能,掌握英語知識,以及在未來崗位中完成商務任務和商務交際的能力。
Unit 1 Business KaleidoscopeSuggested Teaching Schedule 1Background Information 2Lecturing Hints 7Resource Data 20Unit 2 Business EnterpriseSuggested Teaching Schedule 25Background Information 26Lecturing Hints 30Resource Data 42Unit 3 Business PlanSuggestedTeaching Schedule 45Background Information 46Lecturing Hints 49Resource Data 60Unit 4 Business RelationshipSuggested Teaching Schedule 66Background Information 67Lecturing Hints 71Resource Data 83Unit 5 MarketingSuggested Teaching Schedule 88Background Information 89Lecturing Hints 92Resource Data 106Unit 6 AdvertisingSuggested Teaching Schedule 109Background Information 110Lecturing Hints 114Resource Data 125Unit 7 Retail BusinessSuggestedTeaching Schedule 131Background Information 132Lecturing Hints 136Resource Data 146Unit 8 BankingSuggested Teaching Schedule 149Background Information 150Lecturing Hints 153Resource Data 163Unit 9 E-BusinessSuggested ,Teaching Schedule 168Background Information 169Lecturing Hints 175Resource Data 187Unit 10 Customer ServiceSuggested Teaching Schedule 192Background Information 193Lecturing Hints 196Resource Data 207Answer Key for Reviews
It should also be noted that business and economic competition in most countries is often limitedor restricted. Competition is often subject to legal restrictions. For example: competition may belegally prohibited: as in the case with a government monopoly or a government-granted monopoly.Tariffs: subsidies or other protectionist measures may also be instituted by government in order toprevent or reduce competition. Depending on the respective economic policy: pure competition is to agreater or lesser extent regulated by competition policy and competition law. Competition between countries is quite subtle to detect: but is quite evident in the worldeconomy. Countries compete to provide the best possible business environment for multinationalcorporations. Such competition is evident by the policies undertaken by these countries to educate thefuture workforce. For example: East Asian economies such as Singapore: Japan and South Korea tendto emphasize education by allocating a large portion of the budget to this sector: and by implementingprograms such as gifted education.