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    出版時間:2010-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《高級職業英語》系列教材編寫組 編  頁數:179  


      《高級職業英語》(Advanced Career English)是一套專門針對高職高專學生實際需求而編寫的公共英語系列教材。其編寫歷經兩年之久,經過廣泛調查研究,獲得了大量客觀可靠的數據和訪談筆錄,并在此基礎上進行了科學的定量和定性分析。其編寫理念是在對用人單位、畢業生、在校生和教師及教學管理部門進行調查的基礎上,采取“能力倒推”的方法,即根據調查統計結果篩選出畢業生實際工作崗位所涉及的崗位英語技能點,再根據目標工作崗位群的特征,將這些技能點按照語言教學的客觀規律進行科學的編排和語言精加工,整合成具有共性特征的技能模塊,從而形成教材的主要架構?! ”鞠盗薪滩囊罁逃款C布的《關于全面提高高等職業教育教學質量的若干意見》,遵循“面向社會,針對崗位,強化能力,促進發展”的宗旨,堅持“能力本位、任務驅動、行動導向、教學做一體化”的教學模式和以崗位技能為主線,以職場活動為情景的編寫原則,構建“基于工作過程的項目導向”的內容體系,緊扣崗位需求,做到“學中做,做中學”,以“學以致用”、 “學以管用”、突出技能訓練和全面提高學生完成崗位工作能力為目的?! ”鞠盗薪滩奈樟藝鴥韧鈨炐憬滩牡木帉懡涷?,并由外籍專家對語言審定把關,形式新穎,按照聽說模塊、讀寫模塊和拓展模塊分項編寫,具有較強的針對性和實用性,為學生通過本教材的學習,掌握職場生存和發展必需的英語基本技能提供了可靠的保障?!  陡呒壜殬I英語》系列教材共三級,每級由《聽說教程》、《讀寫教程》、《拓展教程》以及《教師參考書》組成。本系列教材每單元圍繞同一職業崗位技能展開訓練,每個教程既相對獨立,又相互聯系和互為補充,從而形成一個有機的整體?!堵犝f教程》、《讀寫教程》、《拓展教程》后都附有MP3光盤,《教師參考書》后附有電子教案光盤。


      《高級職業英語教師參考書3》遵循“面向社會,針對崗位,強化能力,促進發展”的宗旨,堅持“能力本位、任務驅動、行動導向、教學做一體化”的教學模式和以崗位技能為主線,以職場活動為情景的編寫原則,構建“基于工作過程的項目導向”的內容體系,緊扣崗位需求,做到“學中做,做中學”,以“學以致用”、 “學以管用”、突出技能訓練和全面提高學生完成崗位工作能力為目的。


    Teaching Plan for Advanced Career English 3Advamced Career English Teachers Manual 3Readina and Writina 11Unit 1 Conducting a Survey 13Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 13Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 13Section 3 Things to Write 15Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do 15Unit 2 Making a Presentation 17Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 17Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 17Section 3 Things to Write 19Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do 20Unit 3 Project Management 21Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 21Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 21Section 3 Things to Write 23Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do 24Unit 4 Workfiow Management 25Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 25Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 25Section 3 Things to Write 27Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do 28Unit 5 Quality Control 30Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 30Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 30Section 3 Things to Write 32Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do 33Unit 6 Global Sourcing 34Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 34Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 34Section 3 Things to Write 36Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do 37Unit 7 SYB Online 38Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 38Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 38Section 3 Things to Write 40Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do 41Unit 8 Handling Work Stress 42Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 42Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 42Section 3 Things to Write 44Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do 45Umt 9 Occupational Health and Safety 46Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 46Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 46Section 3 Things to Write 48Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do 48Unit 10 Retrospect and Prospect 50Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 50Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 50Section 3 Things to Write 52Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do 52Advanced Career En.glish Teachers Manual 3 Listening and Speaking 55Unit 1 Conducting a Survey 57Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 57Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 58Section 3 After-class Activities: Listen for Fun 65Unit 2 Making a Presentation 66Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 66Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 67Section 3 After-class Activities: Listen for Fun 73Unit 3, I Project Management 74Section 1 Before-class Activiues: Getting Things Ready 74Section 2 In-class Acuvlties: Things to Do 75Section 3 After-class Activities: Listen for Fun 82Unit 4 Workfiow Management 83Section 1 Before-class Activiues: Getting Things Ready 83Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 84Section 3 After-class Activities: Listen for Fun 90Unit 5 lity Control 91Section 1 Before-class Activiues: Getting Things Ready 91Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 92Section 3 After-class Activities: Listen for Fun 99Unit 6 Global Sourcing 100Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready I00Section 2 In-class Acuvlties: Things to Do I01Section 3 After-class Activities: Listen for Fun 107Unit 7 SYB Online 108Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready 108Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 110Section 3 After-class Activities: Listen for Fun 116Unit 8 Handling Work Stress 117Section 1 Before-class Activiues: Getting Things Ready 117Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do 118Section 3 After-class Activities: Listen for Fun 125……Advanced Career English Teachers Manual 3 Extended Book


      This task is to cultivate students ability to make coherent utterances. To lower thelevel of difficulty, two measures are taken: first, theyve got the chance to speak with otherstudents and have made necessary preparation; second, the recording provides anotherchance for them to listen to what is actually already quite familiar to them.  Play the recording 2-3 times. For the 2nd playing, pause for a while after each sentenceto allow students time to take notes. Tell them to jot down key words only. Then havesome of them report what theyve heard to the class. The teacher may also tell students tomake a presentation of what they have prepared by themselves.



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